Tracey's Fashion Tips

Can Red Headbands Work For Me?

Red headbands are the ultimate fashion accessory for anyone, whether you're a Watcher, Breeder, Professor, or Trainer. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Red headbands keep hair out of your eyes. This is useful if you are sketching a rare Pokemon, or battling in a sandstorm, or just taking a walk on a windy day. Vision is pretty important for everyone.

  2. Red headbands can keep you from sweating in the heat. If you're sweating, you are uncomfortable. Sweat might even drip into your eyes (see #1 above).

  3. Red headbands can be used as bandages, and you won't even notice how much you're bleeding (red, you see?)

  4. Red headbands can provide camouflage if you're in the middle of a dense forest that has lots of red flowers.

  5. Red is a nice color that goes with everything. Forget black: bright colors go with any other bright colors. Just pick two colors of equally bright intensity, and they'll match very nicely.

  6. Poke Balls are half red. If you use Poke Balls, a red headband will help you match those. And coordination is SO important.

So in answer to the question, "can red headbands work for me?" the answer is an overwhelming YES! Get one for yourself and everyone on your Christmas list. Me, I'm buying one for Professor Oak next year. It'll look just perfect on him!

Until next time, I'm Sketchily yours,

Sketch me back home!