EPAC06 Gallery (almost all the cosplayers at the con)


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Thoughts about the convention:

  • I met a lot of great new friends - most people there were so friendly and nice (with very few creepies)

  • The cosplay event seemed disorganized. There were rabid fangirls mobbing the cosplayers before the cosplay event and during the judging. Most of us in costumes were having trouble moving away from these kids. Still, everyone got on and off without a hitch, everyone was announced, and prizes were given. Yay for prizes!

  • Next year, the hall cosplay event should be held at a certain time so everyone has a chance to enter. There should probably also be a stipulation that if you win the hall event, that costume can't be entered in the main cosplay.

  • Gaming tournaments were huge!  I didn't realize that SSBM was still so popular five years after its release. What I'd like to see next year is to have the tournament stations set up in a different spot than the casual play area. Some people didn't realize that tournaments were happening, and helped themselves to the consoles. If possible, it would be great to have the tournament games on larger TVs with seating for an audience to watch. Some of these gamers were really amazing! It was fun just to watch their moves.

  • Nice selection of anime available in the viewing rooms, and it was really cool to see anime on the big screen in the cinema. I didn't spend enough time in the anime rooms, but there was a lot to see (and I now have some new titles to add to my Netflix queue).

  • It would be nice to see more activities, as well as a Dealer's Room, but these will probably happen as the convention grows. I'd love to see some experts/professionals at the con soon, like voice actors, animators, manga artists, etc.

  • The How To Draw Manga panel was especially helpful. I liked getting to see others' work during the panel too.

  • Nice to have the Japanese snacks (Ramune, Pocky, Ramen, etc) available, but they seemed to run out of the 'real food' too quickly.

  • Admission prices were very reasonable, and it was very nice to see a local convention in El Paso. There was a lot more going on than I expected. If I'm still in El Paso next year, I plan to return!

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