X - x
AKA: Xu-xu
Pokemon #203
Type 1/(blank), Type 2/Normal
Hex Value: C4
Starting Moves: Skull Bash, Flash, Constrict, Waterfall
R/B Equivalent: PokeW Trainer
Stats Lv.5: Atk 21, Def 20, Spd 18, Spc 19
Stats Lv.100: Atk 319, Def 299, Spd 291, Spc 295
Learned Moves: Glitch Move (Lv. 11), Double-Edge (Lv. 12), Tail
Whip (Lv. 13), Disable (Lv.14), Nameless Glitch Move (Lv. 40), Nameless
Glitch Move (Lv. 55), Mega Punch (Lv. 76), Glitch Move (Lv. 80)
X - x can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew
Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 196. It can also
be found by trading PokeW Trainer from
R/B to Yellow.
Unlike many glitches, X - x and PokeW
Trainer learn the exact same level-up moves even though their
starting moves are different.

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