? in a circle
AKA: ?
Pokemon #000
Type: Normal
Hex Value: unknown
Starting Moves: Struggle
Learned Moves: Tackle (Lv. 1)
? in a circle (called ?) is the placeholder Pokemon in R/S/E/FR/LG.
If you look in the Pokedex for Pokemon you haven't seen yet, you
will see this as the image. Although this was not meant to be accessed
during normal gameplay, it is a required placeholder Pokemon and
not a true glitch.
? is usually found at level 0, and is usually male (although a
female version can be seen on a Japanese Fire Red screenshot). High-level
?s may start off knowing Struggle and Thunder Punch.
? can be found by using the Walk Through Walls GameShark code.
? appears as your own Pokemon if you try to bypass Prof. Birch at
the start of the the game. This can be done by either walking past
him, or by exiting the moving van at the start of the game. If you
go into battle without any Pokemon, ? becomes your default Pokemon.
It has an actual back sprite, and is not represented as a glitchy
block. Surprisingly, ? has a normal form as well as a shiny form
- the normal form has a white quesion mark, but the "shiny"
version has a slightly gray question mark.
If you use the Walk Through Walls code to enter the Link Battle
area, ? will appear as a wild Pokemon. If caught, a non-glitched
Pokedex screen will appear, and the game will freeze.
Additionally, using GameShark code 83007CEE0xxx (replacing the
xxx with three numbers that don't make a real Pokemon) will produce
either ? or ??.
Encountering wild ?s may cause your game data to become corrupted.
There are reports of carried items and mail becoming glitched and/or
deleted after seeing ?. There are also cases of the HM/TM folder
becoming unusable after ? was left in the Day Care. This glitch
has the icon of a golden Bulbsaur, but catching it freezes the game
after the Pokedex data displays.

Next: ??