Pokemon #000
Type: Same as last Pokemon in party
Hex Value: B8
Starting Moves: Same starting moves as last Pokemon viewed, but
may change
Ghost MissingNo is encountered by Surfing along the east coast
of Cinnabar Island after watching the Old Man's demonstration. Unlike
other forms of MissingNo, this one has the image of the Lavender
Tower Ghost. This MissingNo is found only if you have a "y"
in the 3rd, 5th, of 7th slot of your name. Once you catch this MissingNo
it will no longer have the ghost graphic. In battle, MissingNo will
either look like a blob of pixels or take on the back form of whatever
the enemy Pokemon is. Ghost MissingNo can also be encountered by
perfoming the extended Mew Trick using
a Pokemon with a Special stat of 184.
Unlike the standard pixel MissingNo,
this glitch takes its moves from the starting form of the last Pokemon
you viewed. For instance, if you looked at a Ditto's stats before
encountering it, the Ghost MissingNo would know Transform. If you
haven't looked at any Pokemon since loading your game, Ghost MissingNo
will use the starting moves from whatever Pokemon was on your title
screen when you pressed Start. This explains why my "start"
Ghost MissingNo would use Bubble and Tail Whip - it was pulling
those moves from the Squirtle on my Blue startup screen.
Ghost MissingNo's moves can change after the battle. It is not
clear why this happens. Ghost MissingNo's type will change to match
whatever Pokemon is last in your party. Additionally, you can make
Ghost MissingNo learn any TM or HM move by placing a Pokemon that
can learn the desired TM/HM in the last spot of your party.
When training a MissingNo at a high level (determined by other
letters in your name), this glitch will increase and decrease levels
randomly. For example, you catch MissingNo at level 163. After gaining
any experience, it will "grow" to level 100. Then it may
jump down to level 70. Its stats will randomly change (sometimes
drastically) after it changes level.
In Pokemon Stadium, MissingNo will appear as a baby Rhydon Substitute
doll. It will not be able to participate in any Stadium battles
(the Pokemon will appear grayed-out). In Stadium 2, it will appear
as a Ditto (at level 100, if it had been over level 100) knowing
Transform. If you view a MissingNo in Stadium 2, it will permanently
become a Ditto on your saved game.
MissingNo does not make your game save when you encounter it. Although
a MissingNo will corrupt your Hall of Fame records, it won't do
as much damage to them as 'M will.
Battling with MissingNo can cause your game's graphics to be temporarily
scrambled during battles. Wild Pokemon may face away from you, mirror-imaged.
When you register a hit on an enemy Pokemon, the image may break
into scrambled vertical lines of the enemy. Your trainer's sprite
viewed through the menu looks like a scrambled Brock.
MissingNo causes the 6th item in your held inventory to be increased
by 128. This is a great way to get more evolution stones, Master
Balls, Full Restores, and other expensive goodies.

Next: MissingNo (Aerodactyl