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Deleted Scenes & Original IdeasThe Secret of MissingNo has been a work in progress since February 2002. During these past few years, many changes have been made to the plot, characters, and concepts behind the glitches. Original Draft In the first draft, much of the prologue was laid out - most of this was kept exactly as it was (with a few minor changes). However, this introduction had originally been set years in the past. Professor Stone was originally going to be Rose's father. I remember not wanting him to be an attractive "bishonen" character, instead built more solidly. He wasn't even going to appear in the story at all, except for the intro, an appearance in Viridian City as the coffee man, and perhaps somewhere at the end. Also, the hero trainer was going to be a young Team Rocket member. In the very first sketches, he was a much younger boy, dressed similarly to Jeremy, except wearing a shirt with a large "R" on the back. Here is the very first draft of TSOM, in its entirety (dated 2-19-02): "Radio Mr. Giovanni, at once!" yelled the panicked
young intern. "They've escaped!"
Some sort of chemical confines them to the coast everyone thinks the problem is past. Then, a young trainer meets Prof. Stone, who is now simply a coffee-crazed man living in Viridian (having been kicked off TR because of the disaster). Curious, he visits Cinnabar to investigate. There, he meets a girl named Rose, a Pokemon researcher who specializes in Glitch Pokemon. She's trying to learn all she can about them, in an attempt to help her father get his job back. She begins to explain the Glitches to the trainer, and is about to show him her sketch of one, when she suddenly gets a call from her mother (a TR agent) who needs backup on a mission at Seafoam Islands. She promises to return shortly. Meanwhile, the trainer is getting bored. Calling out a Water Pokemon, he begins to Surf along the coast, and meets a strange new Ghost Pokemon (or so he thinks). Excitedly, the kid captures it but now the Glitches have been released from their confinement and are out for revenge! It's up to the trainer and Rose to stop them from exacting their revenge on the entire Pokemon world!!! Rose/Stone Shipping Once I decided that Eric Stone was going to be much younger, as well as an active character in the story, I realized that my plot was missing something: romance! All good animes have at least some undertone of romantic interest, so I decided that the only logical explanation was to pair up Rose and Eric (I certainly wasn't going to pair her with Jeremy or Butch!) This problem was easily taken care of with the introduction of the PC Technician Entei character. Here are a few of the deleted bits of dialogue that supported Rose/Stone shipping. From Chapter 3 (Jeremy's phone call to Eric from prison) - 2/21/02 "Arrested? Aw, Jer, what'd ya do this time?" Stone seemed
to be taking this whole disaster as one big joke. "
so are you gonna get me outta here, or what?" demanded
Jeremy. It seemed like the world he thought he knew was falling to pieces.
His dad
his brother
that girl with the Blastoise
EVERYONE employed by some part of Team Rocket? "So, why did you join up with Team Rocket?" Jeremy asked Rose. Rose the Push-Over In early drafts of the story, I had Rose suggesting the trade between herself and Jeremy, so he could Surf and see 'M for the first time. This was necessary for the plot to continue, since it was Jeremy (and not Rose) who had spoken with "the coffee man" in Viridian. Later it was pointed out to me that this part didn't make sense. Why would a TR member trade her starter to some kid she just met? I improved this part later, having Jeremy insist on the trade, and offer two of his Pokemon for the Blastoise (since Rose only carried 5 Pokemon with her when glitch-hunting). From Chapter 2 (Trading Pokemon) - 2-26-02 Rose sighed, giving him a half-smile. "Tell ya what. I know how
much you wanted a ride on my Blastoise. I should be back within the hour.
Why don't we temporarily trade Pokemon? Once you're done Surfing, take
Squirty back to Joy. I'll meet you back at the Pokemon Center, and I'll
give your Pokemon back then, ok?" Summoning the Glitch Pokemon Long before Entei was added to the story, I wrote the scene where Jeremy and Rose finally encounter 'M and MissingNo on the coast of Cinnabar. I had no idea this would happen so late in the story, as it was one of the first parts I wrote. This was before Eric Stone even had a first name. He did, however, have his coffee addiction. From Chapter 7 (Discovering the Glitch Pokemon) - 2-26-02 "I
I don't like the looks of this," began Stone nervously.
"Do you see that sky? Looks like a storm's coming." He took
a sip of the fresh coffee he had picked up at the Pokemon Mart. Rose's Unhelpful Mom In the first drafts of the prison scene, the phone conversation between Rose and her mom was very sparse. Originally, I thought it might give more character development if I made her mom unwilling to do much to help her daughter out. Later, I added Desiree as a helpful character in the story, and this all changed. As a result, this rare piece of angst was written out. From Chapter 3 (Rose's Phone Call) 8-25-02 "But but Mom!" pleaded Rose anxiously into the telephone receiver. "They caught me! What am I supposed to do?" "Look, I'm sorry that had to happen to you. But there was no time to reach you. We just received word that the cops were coming, moments after I called you, and we barely had enough time to escape ourselves." "But but I'M IN PRISON, MOM!" "Oh well. Deal with it." "Deal with it? You- you've gotta get me outta here!" Rose was getting frantic. "Fine. I'll talk to the Boss about it, ok? But I wouldn't expect much. He certainly wasn't in any hurry to bail out those two friends of yours, and you're in the same rank as they are. He's even getting fed up with bailing out Black Rockets." "W-w-what am I supposed to do then?" "Play the slots, that's the only advice I can offer you. You're an adult now, you've gotta deal with this on your own," said Rose's mom, her voice devoid of sympathy. "Good luck " "Yeah, good luck to you too," muttered Rose as the phone line went dead. Play the slots. The Rocket code for "try to escape". Not much chance of that. And apparently, Butch was in for the long haul as well at least if it was true that Giovanni wasn't bailing members out like he used to. Later in Chapter 3 Rose turned to face the wall, becoming more upset and frustrated with every word. "Yeah, that's the best I heard. Try to bust outta this joint cause there's no shot at a second chance. I'm doomed to spend the rest of my life here alone now I've even been abandoned by my own mom " Rose stared out the barred window, desperately trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks at any moment. The Meowth patted her shoulder affectionately. Team Rocket - not all bad? After Jeremy's battle with Kevin in the alleyway, I originally had him make the observation to Entei that the Team Rocket members he'd met recently were a lot nicer than an ordinary trainer. In the first draft, only Entei had returned to help out (Rose and Eric had already returned to the lab), and there hadn't even been a battle - Entei showed up right after Kevin released his Pokemon. Chapter 13 (After Rival Challenge) 6-18-04 "Any special reason that guy's got a stick up his *ss?" [Entei] Myall Appears ![]() Although she doesn't appear until Chapter 14, I had the idea for Myall for over a year before she entered the story. Since I also didn't know where the plot was going up until that point, I wrote her appearance as something to work in later. Here was the original draft for the scene where Myall appears (this was very sparse, and the Glitches attacked right after she met the group - Eric Stone never gets to see her abilities until during the battle). Chapter 14 (Myall Appears) 6-18-04 "What should we call her
our little wonder?" sighed
Stone, gazing at the remarkable creature that flew happy circles around
their heads. Final Battle Against the Glitches Most people don't realize that I have much more of the story written than I ever show the public. I make lots of revisions to the original outlines, and sometimes change characters entirely. More than once, I've had to go back and rewrite an earlier scene so that a later chapter makes sense. This is probably why I get so angry when people offer to "finish the story" for me. Chances are, it's already done! I don't want to show the public something subpar, so I do lots of revisions until I get a scene perfect. For example, this draft of the final battle between Myall and the glitches had been outlined for over a year before it was ever posted. Chapter 15 (Final Battle Against the Glitches) - May 2004 "I knew it! That detestable professor created another monstrosity in that cursed laboratory," shouted MissingNo. "If you would have listened to me, he would be only a memory by now!" "How was I to know that one of those creatures still remained?" hissed 'M, pixels flickering. "Am I a telepath?" "You certainly thought you were," retorted MissingNo. "Divide and conquer, wasn't that what you said? That ridiculous dream-invasion plan of yours didn't seem to work very well, now did it?" "Silence, you fool. You're the one who failed against a single trainer in Fuchsia. So much for your superior strength." "What does that matter now? Your plan failed, and just as I said before, we are still far superior to anything they've got." MissingNo nodded towards Myall's bubble. "You can't tell me that little freak can compete with our tremendous power." "Why don't you see for yourselves?" challenged Eric, glaring defiantly at the Glitches. Gone was the shaking, nervous coffee addict; he was replaced by an angry man finally presented with the opportunity to fix the mistake that destroyed years of his life. I'm not running away this time, he thought angrily. <<battle>> "Go, Myall! Use Crystal Wave," commanded Eric Stone. Please let this work, he prayed silently. The delicate kitten closed its eyes for a moment, focusing energy. Her eyes suddenly snapped open as a shimmering stream of liquid glass poured from her tiny paws. MissingNo gasped as it fled to the ocean, dodging the attack, but 'M wasn't quite so lucky. Within moments, its pixel-patterned body was immobilized as the glass hardened. 'M's eyes burned with anger as it tried fruitlessly to escape. How dare they MissingNo, release me from this immediately! And get myself trapped along with you? I think not. The ghostly Glitch smiled. I suppose we see now which of us is the fool. MissingNo drifted out of the ocean, but found its path blocked by the massive Entei. "Going somewhere, Glitch?" the Volcano Pokemon asked. MissingNo sneered and launched a Surf attack against Entei. "Ok, Sparkles, do your thing!" cheered Rose, releasing a golden Raichu from its Poke Ball. The Team Rocket girl pointed toward MissingNo as Entei leaped out of the path of the rushing water. "Give that freakish thing a Thunderbolt!" MissingNo screamed as the powerful electric attack traveled along its own Surf attack and zapped its genetically-created body. "Master Ball, go!" yelled Jeremy, throwing one of the shiny new purple-pink spheres at MissingNo's smoking, paralyzed body. "Idiotic human, that trick failed to work last time! What makes you think it will work now?" the Glitch sneered. Jeremy just smiled. "I've got my reasons." As the sphere bounced off the Glitch Pokemon, there was a loud sucking
sound as the ghostly Pokemon was forcibly pulled inside the Master Ball.
MissingNo's voice was cut off as the Master Ball slammed shut, keeping the angry genetic Pokemon trapped inside. The center light on the Master Ball flickered a few times and then stopped. Tentatively, Jeremy reached forward and picked up the Master Ball, half expecting the Glitch inside to leap back out and attack him. "I caught MissingNo?" he said in disbelief. |