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Dark EnteiBy Lee Nader (Concolor22) 2001 Team Rocket stood nervously in the lobby of their Boss, Giovanni.
"What do you think he wants?" Jesse whined. "You guys can come in now." A brown haired and unusually cheerful boy named Mondo, informed them. Jesse and James looked at each other. The nervous failures of the Rocket organization knew this day would come. They had put it off for as long as they could, but it was now time to pay the piper. "It's been fun, but it looks like the end of Team Rocket." James paused. "Maybe we can go legit. You know, maybe even open a concession stand at the Orange League Stadium!" he thought out loud. "Hey, we're not fired yet!! But if we are, I get to make all the hotdogs! I love to cook. I could make the hotdogs, pretzels, nachos, and we'll even have donuts." Jesse grinned. "If you do da cooking, we won't be able to sell 'anythin." Meowth's sentence was again cut short, this time, by a smack on the head from Jesse. As they passed through the doors, Giovanni sat, eyes shrouded in shadow, stroking the head of his favored Persian. The office was even more intimidating in person than over the vid-phone. "Good of you to see me on such.short notice. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Giovanni said as the Persian looked at Meowth evilly.
"Look, boss, " Jesse began timidly "we'll get some Pokémon for you, we have a good lead." "Please, please. You misread me. I did not bring you here to punish you. Quite the contrary. You're here to be rewarded. Provided you furnish me with the information I need. From what I heard, you were there when the Hale Mansion was turned to crystal. Correct?" They nodded. "I personally saw that. boy try to enter the complex. I'd like to know more. Tell me about these .Unowns."
Elsewhere: "Is it like the one you saw when you started training Pokémon?" Brock asked as he cooked dinner. "Yeah." The 'always crystal-clear' Ash replied, scanning the clouds. "Hey! I saw it!" There it was! He only saw it for a second, but that was enough for his Pokédex to get a lock on it. Ash quickly pecked at the keys. "No records on file" The mechanical voice chimed back. "Maybe Professor Oak knows, or what about Professor Ivy?" Misty added, making disgustingly cute faces at Togepi. It merely smiled and giggled. No surprise there. "Uh, I don't know about Ivy.there's something not quite right about her. Call Professor Oak first." Brock said mostly to himself. Ash looked at Brock, who seemed somewhat upset, then, on his suggestion, called Oak.
"Hello, Ash! How is Pikachu?" Oak inquired, chopsticks in one hand, a bowl of rice in another. An excited little mouse replied: "It looks sorta like a skinny purple flying cat." Ash replied. Sigh. "Maybe it's Mew." Oak said, half depressed. No 'Oak Pokémon' today. Mew? Why did that name sound so familiar?
Back at Rocket Central: Jesse and James, for the first time in their memory, had done something right. The sensation was pleasant, but at the same time unnerving. The Boss was not only complementing them, but they now both sported the Black Rocket shirts of the upper rank. Even Butch and Cassidy weren't this close to Giovanni. But something inside bothered them. They just couldn't bring themselves to admit it. They had seen what these Unowns can do, and it bothered them. The idea of their Boss having that kind of power bothered them more. Later on, in the helicopter, Jesse and James spoke to each other. "The first thing the Unowns did was try to re-make the world around them for the little girl. It was strange; steps floating in mid-air, funny colors. What kind of world will the boss dream up?" James asked, with a far-off look in his eyes. "One where Team Rocket is in charge of everything, of course." She smiled at him, but Jesse wasn't convincing herself. "I just wonder if it will be the real Team Rocket, or imagined copies." She didn't have long to wait. Giovanni's helicopter landed on the front lawn of Hale's mansion. As they landed, a few quick instructions passed between Giovanni, and his two Pokémon. Of course, the helicopter quickly attracted the attention of Professor Hale, and he came rushing out. "What's the meaning of this? This is private property." "Do you know who I am?" Giovanni said. The Persian, and a Dugtrio sneaked off as he distracted the doctor. "No, and I don't really give a damn. This is my estate, and you weren't invited. I ask you to leave. I have important work to do." "Of that, at least, you are correct." Giovanni grinned widely as a shrill scream was heard. His Persian was dragging the Doctor's daughter, its face bright with barely contained joy. Sharp fangs just slightly punctured the skin on the young girl's neck. "You let her go! I swear, if you harm her, I'll kill you!" Hale was worried and angry at the same time. "I mean her no harm. My Persian may be a bit.excitable, though. He will obey my commands, as long as you give me the answers I need. Tell me about the Unowns." "It'll do you no good. Someone like you would never be able to summon them anyway. They can only be summoned by the pure of heart! Now, let my daughter go. Please." Ignoring him, Giovanni considered the doctor's words. "Pure of heart. How cliché. We know someone who is pure of heart, don't we, Jesse and James?" Giovanni grinned evilly. Finally, this child, this mistake of long ago, would serve his purpose. "We leave now, but you can count on our return. Persian, come! And bring that little twerp. Dugtrio, dig a moat, and make sure no one enters or leaves."
Back with our Heroes: "Reminds me of math class, all this 'Mew' business." Brock said. Both Ash and Misty gave Brock the 'huh?' look. Togepi mindlessly played around on Lapras' back. "Better make sure Togepi doesn't fall off. That'd be a shame." Ash muttered under his breath. Brock grinned, and quickly suppressed the mental picture of scrambled eggs. "Did you say something, Ash?" Misty asked. "I said we'd better make sure we don't fall off course. It'd be a shame if we missed our trip to Snow Mountains" "Huh? Since when are we going there?" Brock asked. "Since.since now. I have a feeling we'll find Mew there. It's funny, but I think I already know where, and what, Mew is." Ash struck the 'determined stand and stare at the horizon' pose.
Just as they entered the waters around the Snow Mountains, they heard it. Behind those mountains, a presence meditated. "Squirtle, I choose you!" Ash threw his Pokéball and Squirtle splashed into the water behind Lapras. Mew giggled as the tiny turtle tried again and again to hit it with its watergun attack. "Squirtle, return! Bulbas." His command was cut out by a loud engine. Suddenly the wind was incredible, and the water sprayed all around them. Giovanni's helicopter was right above them! Mew looked up, then disappeared, heading toward the mountains. "I don't know why you morons never came up with this idea." Giovanni looked at Jesse and James, his 'New Favorites', with disgust. This 'master plan' of his involved flying over the trio, and dropping a special net on them that had been spray-painted with a special red paint that was impervious to electricity. After they were netted, his Magnetons would grab any rogue Pokéballs, and Ash would be his. Jesse and James looked at the floor, but fumed anyway. "It'll never woik." Meowth muttered. "We've tried a million times." Sure enough, however, the net fell. Ash didn't have any idea what was going on, but the red R on the helicopter was enough to tell him that no good could come of this.
"Pikachu, thundershock that helicopter!" "It feels good to be back in the field, getting my hands dirty! Reel them in, boys! And set course to return to the Green Valley!" Giovanni practically beamed. Jesse, James, and Meowth just sat there, mouths wide open. "How.how?" James was beyond words. Both he and Jesse's shoulders slumped. "I guess that's how he got to be Boss." Jesse said. From beyond the mountains, however, the presence, warned by Mew, had seen all that had transpired, and was moving his forces to action. "Old friend, I may need your assistance." It said. Responding to the call, Lugia came forth from the water, and began to follow the flying machine. "Tell me where they go." "I shall. For I owe the boy a debt I can never repay." Lugia said as he flew off after the helicopter. "So do I." Later on, back at the mansion: "I can understand your hesitation, Ash, but it's for the best." A sickeningly smooth Giovanni tried to get our hero to remove the pieces from the box. Several other nameless Rocket members stood behind them, weapons drawn. "No! I saw what happened the last time!" Ash held his eyes closed, and his arms crossed in front of him. The very picture of non-cooperation. "Then, perhaps this will help you make the right decision." Giovanni snapped his fingers "Ash!" It was the little girl who had first unlocked the pieces to the puzzle, being followed by Giovanni's Persian. She herself would never touch them, for fear of losing her parents again. Ash, however. "If you do as I ask, I'll not only spare her life, but I will grant you the one thing you want more than anything else." Giovanni purred. "To be a Pokémon master?" Ash asked. Pregnant silence, then everyone assembled rolled their eyes. "No, you fool, I can return your father to you." Hearing this, Ash was overcome with emotion. He would give anything to see his father, a father he barely knew. But he also knew that he could never give Giovanni want he wanted. The emotions brought a tear to his eye, and a single drop hit the box in his hands. In another dimension, Entei, the symbol of the Unowns' power, was again awakened. The last time his image was summoned, he helped a little girl by bonding with her father. What would be asked of him this time? Giovanni saw. He saw the vortex open above Ash, and saw the box begin to glow. Now was the time for action. "Now I keep my promise to you. I return to you your father." Ash looked around. "Where is he?" A barely perceived pause, then Ash received his answer. "Goodbye, son." Was all that Giovanni said before he pulled the trigger. The Unowns lashed out, confused that the life-force summoning them had blinked out. They searched nearby, and found.a man. The Unowns assumed this man to be the one they needed, and sent the image of Entei to bond with him. A blinding flash of blue-white light, and the union was complete. Entei, with the Spirit of Giovanni, now stood before them. The Presence, up until now not wanting to reveal himself, could no longer stand idly by. Lugia had reported all that he had seen, and together, maybe, they would be able to fight off this threat that now was born. Or was it already too late?
Team Rocket, Brock, Misty, and all the others assembled, were stunned to silence. Where was Giovanni? Why did Entei return? Did Entei get rid of Giovanni as soon as Ash had died? "Entei?" Brock timidly asked. "Where is Giovanni?" Entei looked down at them. Something was different about him now. Ah, yes! The plume of blue energy flowing down Entei's back was now an unnatural black. A centerless, rumbling voice replied: "You all are on no consequence to me anymore. But you two." Entei gestured to Brock and Misty ". you will be the last to die. You will see all those around you, all you care for, perish." With that, Entei/Giovanni leapt through the ceiling, trailing dozens of Unowns behind him. His destination, Rocket headquarters. "This is all your fault!" Misty shouted at Team Rocket, who stood, watching the spot where their 'Boss' had just left.
"We had no idea he would do such a thing." Jesse weakly explained, avoiding looking at Ash's body. "Well, there's nothing we can do about that now." Brock said. "We gotta find Professor Oak. He'll know what to do." Lugia saw his chance to aid the group. "Please, allow me to take you to where you need to go." "We need to get to Pallet Town. Fast. And. and don't forget Ash." Brock said. Lugia gently scooped up Ash in his mouth, and flew promptly to the city.
"Entei, and Giovanni? Impossible! What will we ever do?" Oak was almost beside himself. "We was hoping you could tell us." Meowth asked. "What are they doing here? Get out! You. you killed Ash!" Oak always liked Ash, and was ready to literally tear Team Rocket apart. "It wasn't their fault." Brock said, holding the professor back. "They just thought they were helping their boss. I believe them when they say they never meant to kill Ash." He suppressed a tear. "What would Ash do?" Misty cried. "He would fight, and never give up. No matter how hopeless it is." James said. "And this looks pretty hopeless." Jesse stated the obvious. "Perhaps not." Yet another centerless voice interjected. To Misty and Brock, however, it was strangely familiar. Everyone looked around, but no-one else was there. "Brock, Misty, Jesse, James, doubtless, you do not remember me, for I removed the painful memories of my mistakes, but I must face them, and return those memories to you." "Where are you?" Brock looked around again, then squinted out the window. Two balls of glowing psychic energy loomed over the horizon. The entire group left Oak's Pokécenter, and gathered on the lawn, awaiting the arrival of the mysterious Mewtwo. Two spheres of energy were quickly coming toward them. The spheres stopped, and hovered above the group below. Mewtwo, along with Mew, hovered over them. "Are you ready?" Mewtwo asked the assembled. They numbly nodded, and Mewtwo extended a hand. Purple energy issued forth, surrounding them all. Even Prof Oak, who wasn't there, saw the events that surrounded Mewtwo's attempt to destroy the world. As the group absorbed the information, Mewtwo looked deeply ashamed. "Since then, I have learned much. The one you call. called Ash, taught me the value of life, and why we should not waste it. Now, this Giovanni, has bonded with the Spirit of Entei. Many more lives are now in danger. We must act quickly. I must stop him." "Uh, Mr. Mewtwo, you may want to reconsider that plan." Prof Oak said as he tapped on his Pokédex. "If the readings from Ash's Pokédex are correct, he would destroy you easily. You, I am afraid, aren't powerful enough to defeat this, this Dark Entei." "Not powerful enough?! I am the most powerful.! I am." The enraged Mewtwo looked over at Mew. Mew seemed to almost say: "Remember the lessons you have learned." Mewtwo sighed. "I will listen to your advice, Professor. However, we still must move to action." "I think I got an idea." Brock spoke. "As a breeder, I know that the way to get the best Pokémon is to breed together individual Pokémon that have whatever you're looking for." "Like my Growlie. I miss him. My parents made sure he was purebred for six generations to be docile, loyal, and of course, highly flammable." James proved Brock's point. "Hey, are you talking about the Pokémon Mewtwo took to the Snow Mountains with him? If they bred, they'd be very powerful. The Boss would." Jesse contained her excitement. It seems that impressing the Boss was no longer an issue. "Exactly. Without knowing it, you made your friends a lot stronger, Mewtwo. Can you take us there? With you helping, Professor, we might be able to do something about this Entei." Brock said.
Entei returned to Rocket Headquarters. Upon arrival, he was greeted as he expected to be. Dozens of Rocket members were at the ready, with Pokéballs drawn. Out watching Pokémon, a lone observer sat in the bushes, sketching the scene. If his mouth had permitted, Giovanni would have grinned. Tauros, Arcanines, Kangaskhans, Gyarados, Alakazams, as well as dozens of others, were released. Bolts of energy, water, and fire were thrown, with absolutely no effect. Entei's eyes glossed over black, and he moved to attack. The Kangaskhan was the first hit, the blue firebolt paralyzing the poor creature and its child. Next up were the Tauros, and Arcanine. Giovanni halted the Tauros' attack with a body slam, killing the poor creature. The Arcanines fared no better. The Unowns were not used to their power being employed for such vicious purposes. The new feeling caused their orbits to go irregular, and their energy output grew to dangerous levels. Deeply moved by the carnage in front of him, Tracey could no longer stand idly by as innocent Pokémon met their fate. In a landmark moment of stupidity, the artist addressed the 300lb+ creature. "You, stop! You can't kill these creatures like this! It's not right!" Giovanni laughed loudly, then spoke. "I do whatever I want, now. Die." Another bolt from Entei's mouth, and there was nothing more than a glass crater where Tracey once stood. The other Rocket members had been afraid to see their Pokémon die, but a Pokémon that actually would kill a human was too much. They ran. Actually, they tried to run. Giovanni got to work. In his new style, the entire building began to be coated in a shiny black obsidian crystal. And the crystal continued until every Team Rocket member was a gleaming black statue. Afterward, the now relatively calm Unowns took their place in the basement of Rocket Headquarters, as Entei looked at his handiwork. "Perhaps I will use them later, now that they have more courage." Entei said, passing his gleaming crystal army.
In the Snow Mountains, the group stood around Ash's grave. The shock kept most of them silent, until James moved forward. Seeing this, Oak looked at the Rocket member with open hatred. "I'm sorry." James said, looking at the grave. Oak's expression changed immediately. "I really hate to admit it, but I admired you. I mean, we tried for years to steal your Pikachu, but we never could. You little twerp, you were a better Pokémon trainer than I will ever be." Ash's mother wept quietly.
Jesse joined James. "I wish my trainers was as good as you." Meowth said. "What?!" Jesse and James both went to pummel Meowth, than stopped. "You know, he's right. James, let's try to be more like him." "Ok, Jesse. But I'm still keeping my style." "But of course." Pikachu walked over to Meowth, and held out his paw. Meowth looked at it a bit, than slowly shook it. No thundershock this time, as the two Pokémon smiled at each other.
Shortly thereafter, the group went to inspect Mewtwo's 'army'. "Wow. I've never seen such strong Pokémon." Jesse commented, examining the poison Pokémon they came across. "Neither have I. With these, I'm sure even I could win a battle." James agreed, as they walked, hand in hand.
Misty examined the water Pokémon. Brock watched as two Hitmonchan sparred. As he thought to himself 'they're pretty good', a Ninetails walked up to his side, and nuzzled his leg. He weakly grinned, as he stooped to scritch its head. Almost on cue, several other fighting and fire Pokémon began to surround him. Professor Oak would have been in Pokémon heaven, but for obvious reasons. A Charizard (not Ash's) seemed to sense his mood, and gingerly nuzzled his shoulder. Oak smiled, and patted the creature on its massive head. From then on, the Charizard never left his side. Mewtwo stayed near his Psychic Pokémon. They, like himself, were not depressed, but seething with anger. Mewtwo, their 'leader' has been hurt, and they wanted vengeance on whoever did it. Mewtwo pushed these thoughts aside, and talked to Oak. "I believe, with our combined strength and skill, we can defeat Entei." Ash's mother wept as several Electric Pokémon came to comfort her. Pikachu stayed somewhat hidden, because he knew that Delia would probably just be reminded of Ash if he got too close. "I calculate that the longer we wait, the larger our tactical disadvantage grows." Oak said, as he and the Charizard corralled several transport Pokémon into a central area. Their destination: Viridian City.
Entei sensed their arrival. He sensed. her. Giovanni was not about to let this be spoiled. Not now! Not now that he had the ultimate power at his control! He had worked too hard, deceived too many, destroyed too much. As he thought, the Unowns again became unsettled. Entei's eyes began to glow. Glow a light that absorbed light, creating a black haze around his eyes. "You will not destroy this. You cannot touch me. Your effort is a waste. Why bother." His fortress of obsidian began to change. Lethal spikes exploded from the crystal shell. Slicing sickles, and sharp arrows appeared. He was ready, and, depending on his mood, would not even need to face our heroes. For they were here.
The armada (for there is no other word to describe it), was truly impressive. The clones had indeed bred, to create the most powerful army of Pokémon ever brought together in one place. Hundreds of transport Pokémon carried hundreds more of almost every type imaginable. Oak was at the front of the armada, with Jesse and James. Mew and Mewtwo were nearby, and Lugia, sensing the need, remained with Ash's mother. The electric Pokémon still had not left her side.
"Uh, let me see, down to the left, and go around those two mountains there. It's hidden in the valley." James instructed Oak, as James consulted a map. Charizard looked over their shoulders quizzically. Oak asked, "Uh, I beg your pardon, but how many times have you been to the headquarters?" "Only three. But we woik well on our own." Meowth lied. Lied about working well, that is. "What exactly does the building complex look like?" Oak continued. "Oh, it's white, has a beautiful big red 'R' on it and ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jesse screamed as they came upon what was once their headquarters. The gleaming black fortress that was once Team Rocket headquarters was as immense as it was intimidating. It was at this point that Entei decided to face his enemy. The legendary Pokémon rose up, and with powerful leaps, brought himself to rest atop a large crystal spire. Looking out, even Giovanni had to be impressed with what Oak and his team had gathered. "We meet again, old man." Entei spoke. Oak remembered Giovanni. Remembered how Giovanni treated his Pokémon. The thought revolted Oak. Oak gravely said: "I remember you." Nothing more. "No words of kind for your old friend? Well, let me demonstrate my 'joy' at seeing you again." Suddenly before them, three obsidian statues appeared. They withdrew Pokéballs, and three legendary Arcanine shimmered into view. "Eliminate them. I don't care how." Entei told them.
As they readied their fire-bolt attacks, Misty quickly reacted. The huge blue creatures quickly moved forward and countered the legendary dogs. It was close, but the water Pokémon prevailed in this encounter. Giovanni thought for a second, then tried to salvage the attack. "Arcanine, use your takedown attack." Get the water ones out of the way, then deal with the rest, he thought. He thought wrong.
Brock was too quick for them. Entei was furious, Giovanni wanted blood. The Arcanines were almost spent, the Unowns using massive amounts of energy to keep them going. However, Giovanni was the boss for a very good reason. He knew when his tactics were beat. He needed to divert and divide his opponent. As he thought of his plan, he was pleased with himself. He summoned Moltres. The assembled crowd gasped in shock. Lugia flew forward, in preparation to block it's attack. But it merely hovered there. Then if flew off, in the direction of Pallet Town! Lugia responded; "I will go, you all must deal with Entei." but before he finished, Articuno, and Zapdos also appeared. The Unowns were not happy. They knew what Giovanni had planned, and it confused them further. How could the kind, gentle heart that summoned them do such things? "No crystals will help you this time." Giovanni boomed. "That irritating little town will finally be of some use to me." As he said this, the other two legendary Pokémon joined the first on their way to Pallet Town.
Oak's mind went into turbo, thinking of a way to save his home. He spoke. "Well, what do youse want us ta do?" Meowth asked the professor. "You three are to remain here, and deal with them." Oak said as he pointed to several obsidian statues that were moving toward them with Pokéballs at the ready.
"I don't think this is such a good idea." James worried out loud. "Right. Be brave." He said as he hid behind Jesse. "I guess you're right, otherwise the author won't have any reason to keep writing us in." James said as he looked at his rather impressive arsenal of Pokémon. Gaining some courage, he shouted: "Let's do this!"
Pallet Town had no advance warning of the coming battle. The three Birds came out of the sky, energy, fire, and ice beams blazing. The town was hit hard. Not many were hurt, but the hiding places of the people wouldn't last long. Fortunately, the cavalry arrived before too long. "OK, we need to think this time. Misty, you mass your forces, and deal with Moltres. I'll try to keep Zapdos under control, and." Brock never finished his sentence. "I'll deal with Articuno. I think these electric Pokémon respect me." The sentence came from Ash's mother. "This is my home. I have to help." Just then, the birds noticed the three 'trainers', and moved to wipe them out. But they reacted in time.
Moltres fired at them with it's flamethrower attack, but Misty had several of her Gyarados' ready. The Legendary birds weren't fools, and Zapdos quickly moved to get Misty's Pokémon out of the picture. "Golem, I choose you!" Brock shouted as several Pokéballs were cast. At least eight of them appeared, and put themselves between Zapdos and the Gyarados. Unfortunately, the advantage of flight worked to Zapdos' advantage, and many of the Golems were knocked out. Both the Pokémon and the trainers had a new respect for each other, as they recovered and readied themselves for the next bout.
Back in Viridian City, the hapless Team Rocket faced off against the four obsidian minions of Giovanni. "Uh, I don't think this was such a good idea, youse guys." Meowth worried out loud. "Don't blame me, it was her idea to be brave." James barely uttered before Jesse smacked him on the back of the head. The statues simply watched as Team Rocket tussled for a bit. Finally the voice of reason chimed in. "Hey!" punctuated with a fury swipe for each "Don't waste yer energy fightin' each other, fight them!" Paw pointed to the statues. "Right!" Both Jesse and James struck a pose. "Prepare for trouble, let the battle begin!" "And make it double, this time we'll win!" "To protect the world from devastation, this time for real." "To unite all people within our nation, so here's the deal." "Jesse" "James" "Team Rocket shows off their newfound might ." "Try if you want, you'll still lose this fight!" "Meowth, that's right!" The statues seemed unimpressed.
Now, a sort of staring contest had begun between Mewtwo and Entei. It was not a staring contest, but actually a pause to gather up energy. Mewtwo's psychic shield held strong, and glowed with an intensity that made it difficult to look at. Entei had no shield, but his slats seemed more lethal, as they too charged themselves with equally lethal energy. Professor Oak was smart enough to guess what was happening, and wisely moved out of the way. "Professor, I am scared." Incredibly, Mewtwo thought these words to Oak. Oak was shocked. "He's stronger than me, I can feel it. What do I do?" "You are correct, Mr. Mewtwo, but you don't have to lose. The weaker can defeat the stronger, if you don't lose your head. You must remain calm, and focused. Let his anger blind him into making a mistake." "I understand, but I'm still scared. Give me your wisdom. Guide me." "I'll try. Brace!" Oak shouted as Entei charged. The force of the impact sent Mewtwo crashing into a nearby hillside, shattering most of the rock he hit. Had Mewtwo's shield not been up, he would have died on Entei's spikes. An enormous dust cloud was all that could be seen, no trace of the Psychic Pokémon. "Aw, is that all? One shot? I thought I had my scientists engineer a stronger creature." Giovanni taunted the cloud. Professor Oak thought to Mewtwo: "Now!" An incredible beam of purple energy came forth from the center of the cloud, burning the ground in a line beneath it. It struck Entei, who hit his own headquarters. The unforgiving obsidian shell around the building took the impact, severely wounding the legendary canine. He never had time to prepare, and the hit dazed him. The Unowns knew only that the spirit they held was close to death. They worked hard to revive him. In succeeding, they used vast amounts of energy. Entei stood and faced his enemy. Mewtwo did not flinch. Again, they stood, looking at one another.
Back in Pallet Town, Brock's forces were gaining ground. "Misty, keep leading them out of the city limits. Delia, are you alright?" She could not respond. Articuno was almost exhausted due to her efforts to keep him occupied. The biggest help she had came from a series of Raichus. One last volley should do it. "Pikachu, Raichu, thundershock!" She commanded as the electric creatures unleashed their collective fury on Articuno. They all connected, and were shortly joined by Magnetons, and a few Electabuzz. Articuno let out one painful cry, then changed to an obsidian statue, falling and shattering on the ground.
The animated obsidian statues now advanced on Team Rocket. "Go Victree." Jesse slapped James in the back of the head. "We don't have time to waste with your screaming and running around. Use the clones." "Oh, but which one?" "All of 'em!" Meowth shouted. Jesse wasted no further time. She quickly summoned several Venusaurs and Arbok. James called forth several Vileplumes, Nidoran, and, of course, Weezing. Planning ahead, Meowth himself, even called forth a few Blastoise. "Blastoise, hydropump attack!" Several striped turtles moved forward, and readied their cannons. Not seeing any opposing Pokémon, however, they were confused, and paused. Meowth quickly guided them. "Da trainers! Shoot da trainers!" The Blastoises, now sure of their target, opened fire. The trainer statues were thrown all over the place. Team Rocket cheered, but quickly 'tear-droped' when they slowly rose, and withdrew their Pokéballs. Several vicious Muk and Victreebell appeared. "Hey, look Jimmy! That's what trained Victreebel look like!" Meowth said as the other perfectly trained Victreebel moved forward. He began to order his Blastoise to attack, when Jesse stopped him. "You fool, you don't water a plant! James, what do we do?" James looked around him, and laid eyes on the answer. "Charizard, I choose you!" James command several Charizard, along with Ash's original. "Deep-fry those vegetables!!" The command was shouted with considerable anger. The large group of flying lizards swooped down, and totally torched the plant Pokémon. James grinned widely. The Obsidian statues thought to fight the Charizards, so they summoned several Gyarados. But of course Jesse had her Venusaurs ready. She didn't even give them the chance. "Venusaur! Vine-whip attack!" Jesse's creatures dispatched the water Pokémon almost right as they hit the ground. The Unowns were, at this point, nearing physical and mental exhaustion. The could no longer support the creation of new creatures, so they focused on keeping the creatures still running, alive. The Obsidian statues again, became inert. "Did we win?" All three Team Rocket members asked. After a brief pause, they realized they had. They paused for a moment, enjoying this strange, new feeling. Victory.
It was now Mewtwo's turn to taunt. "You're getting sloppy, 'master'. Perhaps the creation has surpassed the creator?" Whether he believed his own words or not, Mewtwo simply wanted to anger Giovanni. It worked. "You are an insect to me! I will crush you!" Entei unleashed a powerful beam of blue flame. "Mr. Mewtwo, to not try to block the flame, but sidestep and deflect it instead." Oak mentally advised. Mewtwo did so, and both beams hit Rocket Headquarters. This time, under abuse of such destructive force, the Unowns could not keep it intact. A large hole was punched in the main building. Mewtwo, still flying through the air sideways, fired ball after ball of purple energy at Giovanni. Entei's powerful legs kept him out of harm's way, but barely. The area around them, however, was clouded with dust, and craters. Finally, Giovanni had had enough. He stopped dodging, and met one of Mewtwo's bolts head on, with one of his own. Mewtwo's bolt dissolved in Entei's flame, and the flame went on to Mewtwo himself. "Turn yourself! If the flame is going to hit you, make sure it hits at an angle, and not head-on!" Oak telepathically advised. Mewtwo angled himself, and held fast. The flame struck Mewtwo's shield, but he remained where he was. The flame bounced off the shield, hitting the ground in front of Giovanni, where it exploded in another huge cloud of dust and rock. The huge canine jumped out of the way, while Mewtwo hovered through the dust. He made a mistake, though. In moving through the cloud, Mewtwo got close to the ground. Giovanni saw this, and acted. Lifting his head high, he called on the power of the Unowns. Directly below Mewtwo, vicious spikes of black crystal exploded through the ground. Many were shattered by Mewtwo's shield, but one, the biggest, made it through, badly cutting the psychic Pokémon. Mewtwo was hurt, but he wasn't down. Giovanni saw Mewtwo wince in pain, and ran to attack while Mewtwo was distracted. With one hand holding the wound, Mewtwo clenched the other into a fist. Just as Entei was mere inches from him, Mewtwo generated a psy-wave that threw Entei back, and shattered the spikes to powder. His eyes glowed an angry purple as he stared at Entei. Dazed, Giovanni slowly stood back up. Never losing his focus on his adversary, Mewtwo floated high into the sky, then flew straight into Entei. Giovanni leapt up to connect with Mewtwo, but acting on Oak's advice, Mewtwo again sidestepped, and savagely connected with Entei's soft underbelly. Giovanni let out an incredible howl of pain, then fell to the ground. The Unowns had by now entered into highly irregular orbits, and their energy was nearly spent. This time, Giovanni did not rise. Mewtwo finally landed, and stood there, arms slightly out from his sides, head down, but eyes looking straight forward. Tired from the fight, he was panting. Oak felt pity for Entei, and moved over to see if he could help. Big mistake. Using what little strength the body held, Giovanni quickly seized Oak in his paws. "At last! I knew those moves looked familiar. Just like when we sparred back in school. You haven't changed, have you, teacher?" Then, a savage look spread across Entei's face as he brought the professor to his mouth. "Stop!" Everyone turned to see the group returned from Pallet Town, and to see Ash's mother standing there, in tears. He killed Ash, he betrayed her love, and now, he was about to kill Oak, the one person she. "Leave, woman, this is not your affair. This is between me and Oak!" Entei rumbled. "This is my affair. We loved each other once. We had a son. You killed my son, you monster!" The son! At last, the Unowns realized! The boy whose heart had summoned them! He had died as they went to bond with him. Entei's form, his power had been used by the kind of person who should never have it. The small letter Pokémon poured out of Rocket headquarters, and began to circle Entei. Everyone there looked at them in amazement. Now back in their regular orbits, as they corrected the situation. They gave Entei his own consciousness back. Entei was repulsed by the presence within him. The creature reared up on his hind legs, and with a roar to shatter the sky, ejected Giovanni from his being. "You have defiled my purpose and my being!" The real Entei shouted at the cowering man. "For such a dishonor, and to make sure you never attempt such a thing again." Entei raised a paw to crush the leader of Team Rocket. Just as he was about to drop it. "No!" Mewtwo, of all assembled, came forward, catching Entei's paw, keeping it from killing Giovanni. "Too much had already happened here that should not have. Killing this man will not make it better." Entei glared at Mewtwo for a moment, then said; "You are wise beyond your years, reminding me of what I should already know. I will let him live."
Giovanni had remained silent until now, but seeing the exchange, spoke. Mewtwo simply glared at him, eyes glowing. Extremely nervous, Giovanni looked around for anyone who could help. His eyes fell upon Team Rocket. "Team Rocket! I order you to destroy them both!" Giovanni shouted. Jesse and James looked deep into each other's eyes, clasped hands, and moved forward, still trailing hundreds of powerful clone Pokémon behind them. Meowth gave Giovanni his answer. "Uh, I don't think so, Boss." Giovanni's jaw dropped. Meowth continued. "There are gonna be a few changes around here. Number one, your Persian is history..."
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